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Autocomplete For Password Doesn't Work For My Webapp (in Firefox)

I've created a login submit form in HTML but for some reason autocompletion does not work in firefox. This is what happens in Firefox: - I give username and password and click on t

Solution 1:

Does your login URL include a session ID that changes each time?

Solution 2:

Have you checked your saved passwords list to see if you have already told Firefox to never remember credentials for your site?

Solution 3:

Firefox prompts me if I would like to remember the password. I press 'remember' and login works. - I log out and return to the login page. I would expect the username and password field to be prefilled

That's not the way Firefox works. You have to put the username in, and it will remember the password for that username.

Solution 4:

I pasted your HTML into an empty HTML document, removed the onsubmit="" javascript code, typed in a username and password and hit submit, got prompted to save the password, and the next time I hit reload - FF3 autofilled both fields.


I wonder if removing the onsubmit="" code changes anything for you...?

Also a link to a running example would be helpful.

Solution 5:

I found out why it doesn't work. I use ajax to paste the example html in a container div. Apperently firefox is very sensitive about this because (as mentioned before) my code does work in IE.

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