How Can My Server Program Read The Variables Sent Using A HTTP 'GET' Request Method In VB.NET?
I have written server code in vb.Net. I want it to read to variables sent by another server's HTTP 'GET' request. For example the first server will send this URL http://localhost/s
Solution 1:
You can get them from the Context.Request.QueryString object:
mySender = Context.Request.QueryString("sender").ToString
This assumes the code you are running on your server is running under IIS. I notice the call is to a .PHP page and wonder how you are actually getting the url to the server running the VB code.
If this is simply processing the URL as a string, then the following should handle it for you:
Dim tempArray As String()
Dim tempValuePairs As String()
Dim tempPair As String()
Dim tempValue As String
Dim tempString As String
tempArray = sRequest.Split(CChar("?"))
If tempArray.Length <> 2 Then
'url not valid
End If
tempValuePairs = tempArray(1).Split(CChar("&"))
For Each tempString In tempValuePairs
tempPair = tempString.Split(CChar("="))
tempValue = tempPair(1)
'check for pair name, tempvalue will contain data
Select Case tempPair(0).ToLower
Case "sender"
mySender = tempValue
Case "receiver"
Case "msgdata"
Case "recvtime"
Case "msgid"
Case Else
End Select
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