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Applescript Wrap Lines With Html Tags And Script Problem

Im currently using a script in which has a flaw. It checks the HTML document for cases where paragraphs are wrapped with

tags as follows: -- If already start

Solution 1:


tell application "MarsEdit"toset txt to current textof document 1set paras to paragraphs of txt

repeat with i from1to (count paras)
    set v to item i of paras
    ignoring white space
        ifnot (v is""or v starts with"<") thenset item i of paras to"<p>" & v & "</p>"endifend ignoring
end repeat

settext item delimiters to ASCII character 10
tell application "MarsEdit"toset current textof document 1to paras astext

Ruby appscript:

require'appscript'; include Appscript

doc = app('MarsEdit').documents[0]
lines = doc.current_text.get.gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n").split("\n")

for i in0...lines.size
    nextiflines[i] =~ /^\s*$/ orlines[i] =~ /^\s*</
    lines[i] = "<p>#{lines[i]}</p>"end


These assume that anything starting with (white space and) < is a tag.

Solution 2:

you could do this process using another stronger language by running shell commands in applescript

basiclly you can run anything that you would in a terminal window like this

lets assume you have a test.txt file on your desktop you could run this and it would wrap all the lines with p tag

set dir to quoted form of POSIX path of (path to desktop)
set results to do shell script "cd "& dir &"
awk ' { print \"<p>\"$0\"</p>\" } ' test.txt"

and if you want to run a php file you just do

set dir to quoted form of POSIX path of 'path:to:php_folder")
set results to do shell script "cd " & dir & "
php test.php"

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