Weird Z-index Behaviour Preventing Mouse Interactions: Bug Or Normal?
Solution 1:
Ok, 10 seconds later I discover that using only positive z-index'es makes the problem go away. Perhaps negative z-index means the object is below the level that the mouse cursor notionally lives?
Solution 2:
Do you know that in order for z-index to work right, you need to position your elements, even if they're simply position: relative
(which doesn't change their position any but allows you to use z-index). That way, you should be able to give leftbar
a position of, say, 2
and your h3 a position of, say, 3
. And your h3 should be on top.
You can use any position type as long as you have one.
For recap:
#leftcolumn { position: absolute; z-index: 1; }
#leftbar { position: relative; z-index: 2; }
h3 { position: relative; z-index: 3; }
Solution 3:
Even though the leftcolumn content is visible, the leftbar div is now sitting on top of it, likely with a transparent background. Ideally you would want to modify the HTML so that the H3 resides within the leftbar, but if that is not an option, you may need to apply z-index to specific elements within the leftcolumn in order to pull them above elements in the leftbar.
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